Posts Tagged ‘Meat’




First of all I think I need to try and explain what tjälknul is.

It’s a dish traditional to  northern Sweden. Tjälknul is normally made with meat from elk (roast), but a roast from beef cattle can be used, which is what I had this time, you’d use the same part as you’d use to cook a roast beef. Tjälknul is actually rather similar to roast beef. It’s to be eaten cold, cut in thin slices.

This dish takes it’s time to get done, so it is highly recommended to do it as an overnight cooking. But I promise you all, it’s worth it, and it is really easy to do as it requires virtually no work effort at all. Tjälknul get it’s flavoring from a spiced brine in which it is placed when cooked. Read the rest of this entry »

Minced meat sauce with red lenses

This is not really gonna be a full recipe, as it can be applied to your favorite minced meat sauce. Or you can use lenses as a substitute for beans in a chili con carne 🙂

I started up by frying the minced meat with union and spices (chili (both fresh and powdered), garlic, paprika powder, salt and pepper. Added a few tablespoons of tomato puree (should have taken crushed tomatoes from can if I had any, but I couldn’t find any in my cupboard).

Then added about half a liter of water and 2 deciliter of red lenses (green should work, but red blends in better color wise). Let it all simmer until lenses are ready and becomes a little mushy. If needed add more water to get the right sauciness. The lenses will absorb the water and when they become mushy they act as a thickener for the sauce, as well as adding a nice richness.

All approximations of measure are based on around 1 kilogram of minced red meat.

Serve with rice.