Archive for the ‘Stew’

Minced meat sauce with red lenses

This is not really gonna be a full recipe, as it can be applied to your favorite minced meat sauce. Or you can use lenses as a substitute for beans in a chili con carne 🙂

I started up by frying the minced meat with union and spices (chili (both fresh and powdered), garlic, paprika powder, salt and pepper. Added a few tablespoons of tomato puree (should have taken crushed tomatoes from can if I had any, but I couldn’t find any in my cupboard).

Then added about half a liter of water and 2 deciliter of red lenses (green should work, but red blends in better color wise). Let it all simmer until lenses are ready and becomes a little mushy. If needed add more water to get the right sauciness. The lenses will absorb the water and when they become mushy they act as a thickener for the sauce, as well as adding a nice richness.

All approximations of measure are based on around 1 kilogram of minced red meat.

Serve with rice.

Kalops – A swedish meat stew

Kalops is actually a rather old traditional meat stew for Sweden. Local variations may occur of course as with all traditional food. 🙂

I started writing this post a few days ago, but never got around to finishing up until now 🙂 I tried a shortcut on my beef stew, saving a little time. Worked just as good as if I had done all steps that are in the original recipe, the sauce ended up a bit lighter in color then it would have other wise though.

I skipped the browning of my meat, putting everything in the pot and putting the lid on from start 🙂 The actual cooking time will still be the same, but the time I need to give it attention is shortened, not by much, but enough to give me time to write here 🙂 Seriously the reason for doing it was I needed to put a dough on as well, to get some bread for breakfast.

The meat I got this time was veal, but normally you’d use beef 🙂 The meat traditionally used is from the front end and especially suitable for cooking in stews. I could not find out the English word or equivalent for it. Does require a bit of boiling time, but has a nice taste to it. Read the rest of this entry »

Hot meat stew

You don’t get a nice picture of this dish, as I can’t find the camera 🙁 It is possible my boyfriend has got it with him for some reason though. If that is the case a picture could possibly come along later. I doubt there will be any left overs to display nicely on a plate at another point, so if the camera don’t show up before we get to the table you’ll have to use your imagination 🙂 Read the rest of this entry »